Amendment to the Federal Court of Administrative Justice Bylaws

On January 31, 2024, the “Agreement SS/4/2024, which amends the Bylaws of the Federal Court of Administrative Justice” was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation. This amendment signifies the reclassification of the three Specialized Chambers in Foreign Trade Matters, converting them back to Ordinary Regional Chambers.

From January to November 2023, the Board of Government and Administration of the Federal Court of Administrative Justice (FCAJ) reviewed its case inventory. This review revealed that out of 97,007 lawsuits filed, only 1,864, or 1.9%, pertained to foreign trade matters.

Consequently, the Superior Chamber of the FCAJ deemed it appropriate to restructure: transforming the First Specialized Chamber in Foreign Trade Matters into the Fourth Metropolitan Regional Chamber, the Second Specialized Chamber in these matters into the Fourth Northeast Regional Chamber, and altering the Third Specialized Chamber’s focus, converting it into the Second Regional Chamber of the Gulf without its specialized foreign trade designation.

Per the transitory articles of the Agreement, the restructured Ordinary Regional Chambers will continue to adjudicate cases filed under their previous foreign trade jurisdiction until such cases reach a conclusion.

Notably, according to the third article of the transitory provisions, these amendments to the FCAJ Bylaws Will take effect on April 1, 2024.

Therefore, starting April 1, 2024, administrative trials related to foreign trade matters will fall under the jurisdiction of the FCAJ’s Ordinary Regional Chambers, in accordance with their respective territorial competencies.

For additional information, please contact:

Luis Miguel Jiménez, Partner:+52 (55) 5258-1058 |

Alejandro Torres, Partner:+52 (55) 5258-1072 |

Luis Torres, Counsel:+52 (55) 5258-1023 |