Ex officio investigation for barriers to competition and free market and/or essential inputs in the Public Railroad Freight Transportation Service Market

Mexico’s competition agency, the Federal Economic Competition Commission (“COFECE”), made public the initiation of an investigation, ex officio, into the market for public railroad freight transportation services and related services and rights in the national territory (the “Investigated Market”) for the possible existence of barriers to competition and free market and/or essential inputs.

COFECE will investigate whether there is any restriction to the efficient operation of the Investigated Market.

As a result of the investigation, COFECE may issue a preliminary opinion in which it (i) orders the elimination of barriers that unduly affect the competition process, (ii) issue recommendations to the authorities in case legal provisions unduly affect competition, (iii) identify essential inputs, and if necessary, issue guidelines to regulate them, or (iv) order the divestiture of assets, rights, shares or stocks for the benefit of the proper functioning of the market.

COFECE will have 30 to 120 business days, which may be extended up to two times to develop its investigations.

For additional information, please contact:

Fernando Carreño, Partner:+52 (55) 5258-1042 | fcarreno@vwys.com.mx

Sergio López, Partner:+52 (55) 5258-1042 | slopez@vwys.com.mx