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Approval in Chamber of Deputies of the bill reforming subcontracting
April, 2021

Yesterday the Chamber of Deputies announced the approval opinion of the reform bill to regulate subcontracting, which bill was presented at the end of last year by the Federal Executive Branch. The laws that will be affected by the reform are the Federal Labor Act, the Social Security Act, the National Workers Housing Fund Institute Act, the Federal Tax Code, the Income Tax Act (hereinafter, IT) and the Value Added Tax Act (hereinafter, VAT).

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COFECE Issues Modifications on Concentration Notification Guidelines
April, 2021

On April 8, 2021, the Mexican Federal Economic Competition Commission (the “Commission”) issued the amended Concentration Notification Guidelines (the “Guidelines”)1, which include several topics that were not previously addressed. The purpose of the amendments is to provide more certainty to economic agents on how the Commission analyzes concentrations. Among the most relevant amendments included in the Guidelines are the following:

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Agreement on the Bill reforming subcontracting in the Federal Labor Law
April, 2021

Today, the president of the Mexican Republic, together with the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and representatives of the Legislative Branch, announced an agreement with the principal representatives of the business and worker sector with respect to the Bill reforming subcontracting, which was presented at the end of last year.

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Executive Branch sends Hydrocarbons Bill to the Chamber of Deputies
March, 2021

On March 26, 2021, the Federal Executive Branch sent to the Deputies Chamber a “Bill with draft Decree amending the Hydrocarbons Act”.

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Decree Reforming the Electricity Industry Law and Directive withdrawing the Reliability Policy issued by SENER
March, 2021

As a follow-up to our publication released on February 5, 20211 , recently various acts have been published in the Federal Official Gazette (“DOF”) with a significant impact on the Mexican electricity industry, specifically, (i) the Decree amending provisions of the Electricity Industry Law (“LIE Reform Decree”) and (ii) the Directive Withdrawing the Reliability Policy issued by the Federal Ministry of Energy (“SENER”) in May, 2020 (the “Reliability Policy Withdrawal Directive“).

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The Chamber of Deputies takes up the approval of the Federal Law for the Regulation of Cannabis again
March, 2021

Yesterday March 10, 2021 the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies concluded the discussion of the Federal Law for the Regulation of Cannabis as part of the process of its legislative approval. Although the chamber approved many of the provisions previously discussed and approved in the Senate, it also included certain important changes that will have to return to the Senate for their discussion and possible approval.

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Latin Lawyer: Promotions at LatAm firms spiked at year-end
February, 2021

Latin Lawyer has recorded a 38% increase in end-of-year promotions to partner level al Latin America law firms.

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Lex Latin: Von Wobeser y Sierra strengthens its staff with promotions
February, 2021

Claus Von Wobeser, founding partner, noted that despite the difficulty of 2020, the firm successfully navigated the pandemic by preparing for crisis scenarios. "Our business model has demonstrated resilience. The appointment of new partners and advisors is a testament to the success of our model and will serve to further consolidate our position as a fully client-focused firm," he said.

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Leaders League: Mexico´s Von Wobeser adds two partners, five counsel
February, 2021

Von Wobeser y Sierra has announced the growth of its team with the appointment of two partners and five counsel with complementary areas of expertise, furthering the firm´s full-service approach to better serve its clients.

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Chambers and Partners 2021 Rankings
February, 2021

We are proud to share that our firm has been ranked by Chambers and Partners Global 2021 as a “Top Firm”. Chambers and Partners conducts a thorough annual investigation process to identify the top 1% firms, teams and lawyers around the world.

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