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Update: Fifth extension of the suspension of time periods for the National Energy Control Center
July, 2020

Today, it was published in the Official Federal Gazette (“DOF”) the Ruling by which the suspension of legal terms for the National Energy Control Center (“CENACE”) is extended for the fifth time (the “Ruling”).

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The Mexican Institute of Industrial Property restarts activities
July, 2020

On July 3, 2020, a new official communication issued by the Mexican Industrial Property Institute (IMPI) was published in the Official Federal Gazette (DOF) establishing the following, among other things:

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Possible criteria for verifying compliance with the NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010 in the point of sale of products, beginning on October 1, 2020
July, 2020

The Standards Office (DGN) and the Federal Commission for Protection from Sanitary Risks (COFEPRIS), published on the page of the National Commission for Regulatory Improvement (CONAMER) the draft of the “Ruling establishing the criteria for the implementation, verification and oversight, as well as the evaluation of conformance with the Amendment of the Official Mexican Standard NOM-051-SCFI/SSA1-2010, General labeling specifications for prepackaged food and non-alcoholic beverages-Commercial and health information, published in the Official Federal Gazette on March 27, 2020 (Implementation Ruling).”

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New laws are issued that impact the import and export of merchandise
July, 2020

As part of the process of implementing the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), in force as of July 1, 2020, the enactment of a new General Import and Export Taxes Act (GIETA) and amendments to the Customs Act (CA) was published in the Official Federal Gazette.

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CONAGUA establishes temporary measures to guarantee the supply of water for population centers, during the contingency generated by the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)
July, 2020

On July 1st,2020, the National Water Commission (“CONAGUA”) published in the Federal Official Gazette the “Ruling establishing temporary and extraordinary measures to guarantee the supply of National Waters to population centers for domestic and public urban use, in light of the health emergency generated by the SARS-Cov-2 (COVID-19)” (“Ruling”).

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Sixth extension of the suspension in the activities of the Mexican Antitrust Commission and its procedures
June, 2020

The Board of the Commission in its session held on June 25, which was published in the Official Gazette on June 30,1 decided that the initial (March 23 to April 17), the second (April 20 to April 30), the third (May 6 to May 29), the fourth (June 1 to June 12) and the fifth (June 15 to June 30) suspension of terms will be extended. In this regard and effective as of July 1, all times and terms will be suspended until July 10, 2020, excepting those related to merger control procedures and the issuance of opinions or decisions in the granting of licenses, concessions, permits and similar procedures.

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Publication of legal provisions in preparation for the entrance into force of the USMCA
June, 2020

In preparation for the entrance into force of the Agreement between the United States of America, the United Mexican States and Canada (USMCA) on July 1, 2020, today the promulgating executive order was published in the Official Federal Gazette, which contains the full text of the agreement, its Protocol of Amendment and various parallel agreement.

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Notice to update partners or shareholders before the Federal Taxpayer Registry
June, 2020

On December 9, 2019, the “Decree amending the Income Tax Law, the Value Added Tax Law, the Special Tax on Production and Services Law, and the Federal Tax Code” was published in the Official Federal Gazette” (“Decree”). Among other modifications, article 27 of the Federal Tax Code (“CFF”) was reformed incorporating four parts with various sections.

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Extension of the suspension in the activities and deadlines of the Mexican Court of Administrative Justice
June, 2020

Today, June 17, 2020, the official communication SS/14/2020, issued by the Plenary of the Superior Chamber of the Mexican Court of Administrative Justice (TFJA) was published in the Official Federal Gazette (DOF), which extended the suspension of activities and terms, and therefore said Court will remain closed and the deadlines will be suspended until June 30, 2020.

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Update: Fourth extension of the suspension of legal terms for the National Energy Control Center
June, 2020

Today, the “Fourth Ruling modifying the first article of the Ruling that declares the suspension of the time periods in proceedings carried out before the Administrative Units of the National Energy Control Center (“CENACE”)”, from Thursday, March 26 through Sunday, April 19, 2020”. (the “Ruling”), was published in the Official Federal Gazette.

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