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Special session: “Combating corruption: Interaction and collaboration between Mexican authorities and foreign agencies in complex anti-corruption investigations.”
June, 2017

Von Wobeser y Sierra & International Chamber of Comerce (ICC) are delighted to inform that we’ve been working together in the organization of the event “Combate a la Corrupción: Interacción y cooperación con autoridades extranjeras en investigaciones complejas anticorrupción.” It will be held on June 29, 2017 in Mexico City, for further details you can download our invitation here.

RSVP Hugo Pérez Collí +52 55 5687 2203/2207, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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ITAFOR announces 2017 collaborators and among these Montserrat Manzano, Von Wobeser y Sierra Senior Associate, was elected
June, 2017

The Latin American Arbitration Association (ALARB), the Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA), and the Brazilian Arbitration Committee (CBAr) announced the ITAFOR Moderators and Contributors for 2017, the main online forum for the arbitration community in Latin America . Among these elected was Montserrat Manzano, Senior Associate of Von Wobeser and Sierra. 

ITAFOR is a fundamentally Spanish-Portuguese database designed to share information and promote discussion on arbitration and alternative dispute resolution issues relevant to Latin America. More than 500 outstanding arbitration professionals are subscribed to ITAFOR.

Edmund Duckwitz, Of Counsel at Von Wobeser y Sierra (Former German Ambassador to Mexico) is elected as President of CAMEXA
May, 2017

Von Wobeser y Sierra is honored to announce that Dr. Duckwitz has been elected as President of the German-Mexican Chamber of Commerce (CAMEXA). Dr. Duckwitz works closely with German, European, Mexican, American as well as other foreign clients of the Firm.

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Repatriation of Capital- Decree granting administrative incentives in Income Tax
May, 2017

On May 15th, 2017 the “First Resolution of Changes to the Omnibus Tax Bill for 2017” ("General Rules") was published in the Official Federal Gazette. This Decree establishes a scheme of incentives in order to incentivize the return of resources held abroad, so that such capital may be invested in productive activities that contribute to the economic growth of the country.

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Lex Latin – Edmond Grieger, Sofía López – Von Wobeser & Sierra, S.C. generates Modelo renewables PPA
April, 2017

Von Wobeser & Sierra, S.C. has helped Mexican brewer Grupo Modelo sign a power purchase agreement with utilities provider Iberdrola México worth US$350 million.

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Latin Lawyer – Edmond Grieger, Sofía López – Von Wobeser & Sierra, S.C. generates Modelo renewables PPA
April, 2017

Von Wobeser & Sierra, S.C. has helped Mexican brewer Grupo Modelo sign a power purchase agreement with utilities provider Iberdrola México worth US$350 million.

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ACC Docket - Pablo Jiménez: Drinking from a Fountain: How Pablo Jimenez-Zorrilla Became VP Legal & Corporate Affairs at AB InBev Middle Americas, 2017
April, 2017

Prior to joining our firm in 2021, our partner Pablo Jiménez was the Global Vice President of Reputation and Communications at Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev), the world's leading brewer. His previous position at AB InBev was Vice President of Legal and Corporate Affairs for Grupo Modelo and the Middle Americas zone. Pablo’s story, summarized in this article, showcases his infectious positivity, ambition, and willingness to take life by the reins. 

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Expansión – Pablo Jiménez: Pablo Jiménez, the man that ‘advocates’ for Grupo Modelo
April, 2017

Our partner Pablo Jiménez, then Vice President of Legal and Corporate Affairs of Grupo Modelo and the Middle Americas zone, was able to negotiate the terms of the investment agreement for the plant that the brewery was building in Yucatán.

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Von Wobeser y Sierra wins Matter of the Year at GCR Awards 2017
March, 2017

We are proud to announce that Von Wobeser´s competition team led by Partner, Fernando Carreño, won this year´s Global Competition Matter of the year Award for its counsel regarding Anheuser-Busch InBev´s acquisition of SABMiller. The GCR 7th Annual Awards took place on March 28th 2017 and celebrated the best matters related to competition and antitrust.

Our Partner, Fernando Carreño and Associate Paloma Alcántara were recognized.

In order to read the full news please access the following link

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) – Andrés Nieto – Financial Arbitration
March, 2017

Von Wobeser & Sierra, S.C. is pleased to announce that our Partner, Andrés Nieto will be speaker and moderator in conference “Financial Arbitration”, in Mexico City on 30rd March, 2017 from 15:30 – 20:30 hours in the hotel Four Seasons.