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Forbes- Diego Sierra- Lawyers' Special: How to Combat Corruption
July, 2018

We are proud to have been featured in the special article on lawyers by Forbes- How to Combat Corruption. Our Partner Diego Sierra, expert in anticorruption, gave his opinion for this piece. 

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Amendments to the Customs Law and creation of the “Customs Agency”
June, 2018

On June 25, 2018, a Decree was published in the Official Federal Gazette amending various provisions of the Customs Law. 

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Amendment requires publication of partners and shareholders of limited liability companies and stock corporations in Mexico
June, 2018

On June 14, 2018, an amendment (the “Amendment”) to articles 73 and 129 of the General Law of Commercial Companies (Ley General de Sociedades Mercantiles) (“LGSM”) was published in the Federal Official Gazette to have the entries of the special partners’ registry (libro especial de socios) of Mexican limited liability companies and stock registry of Mexican stock corporations (registro de acciones), published in the PSM (Sistema Electrónico de Publicaciones de Sociedades Mercantiles), the electronic system of the Ministry of Economy.

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Latin Lawyer- Fernando Carreño- Mexico could scrap JV competition guidelines, observers say
June, 2018

Our Partner Fernando Carreño shared his opinion on the topic.

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Lex Latin- Edmond Grieger & Ariel Garfio- Von Wobeser advised Faurecia regarding a clean energy supply contract
June, 2018

Von Wobeser y Sierra, S.C. advised Faurecia Sistemas Automotrices de México, S.A. de C.V. in the management of a renewable energy supply contract.

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Lex Latin- Edmond Grieger & Ariel Garfio- Invenergy sells electricity to the Mexican Energy Control Center (Cenace) with advise of Von Wobeser y Sierra
June, 2018

Von Wobeser y Sierra SC legally advised Invenergy LLC and its special vehicle Electricity Company Los Ramones S.A.P.I. de C.V. in the closing of a power purchase agreement contract valued in USD 250 million and a duration of 15 years. 

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The SEMARNAT issues the new General Sustainable Forestry Development Law
June, 2018

The Environment and Natural Resources Ministry (“SEMARNAT”) published the new General Sustainable Forestry Law replacing the previous law on the matter. This new Law came into force on June 6th, 2018 and its purpose is to update the regulation and promotion of an integral and sustainable management of forests. 

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Global Competition Review- Fernando Carreño- Bayer/Monsanto given final greenlight
June, 2018

With the final greenlight to nail down Bayer's purchase of Monsanto, our Partner Fernando Carreño gave his opinion of the competition and antitrust implications regarding this transaction. 

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Mexico eliminates certain tariff preferences under NAFTA and increases tariffs on various products
June, 2018

By executive order published today, Mexico proceeded to deny tariff preference under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and impose retaliatory tariffs on various products originating from the United States of America (U.S.).

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Mexico announces imposition of retaliatory tariffs on various products originating from the USA
June, 2018

Through an official communiqué, the Mexican government announced that it will increase tariffs on products originating from the United States of America (USA), including flat steel (hot and cold sheet, including coated and various pipes), lamps, pork shanks and shoulders, sausages and food preparations, apples, grapes, blueberries and cheeses.

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