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The Chamber of Deputies passes bill reforming Federal Labor Law
April, 2019
On April 11, 2019 the Chamber of Deputies passed a bill reforming various provisions of the Federal Labor Law, as well as other secondary laws. This reform adjusts the secondary labor legislation to the provisions of the constitutional reform published on February 24, 2017, which changes the labor justice system and establishes the principles of freedom of association and collective bargaining negotiation, among other matters.
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Latin Lawyer- COFECE probes Mexico corn flour market
April, 2019

Mexico’s competition authority is investigating suspected anticompetitive practices in the corn flour market and our Partner, Fernando Carreño, expressed his opinion regarding the relevance of this investigation due to the importance of corn flour in Mexican gastronomy.

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Centralized acquisition of medicines and healing material, for the federal entities, for year 2019
April, 2019

The call to tender for the first centralized purchase of medicines and healing material for federal entities, for the second half of 2019, will be published in the Official Federal Gazette no later than May 7, 2019.

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Provisions applicable to Sandboxes issued by the SHCP & CNBV
April, 2019

The Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (the “SHCP”) and the National Banking and Securities Commission (the “CNBV”), on March 11 and 19, 2019, in the scope of their jurisdictions, published in the Official Federal Gazette (the “DOF”) i. the General Provisions applicable to Sandboxes referred to in the Law Regulating Financial Technology Institutions; and ii. the General Provisions relative to companies authorized to operate Sandboxes referred to in the Law Regulating Financial Technology Institutions, respectively (jointly the “Provisions”); pursuant to the Law Regulating Financial Technology Institutions (the “Law”), published in the DOF on March 9, 2018.

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Mandatory compliance with the Network Code initiates for all medium and high voltage users connected to the grid
April, 2019

This past April 8, 2016, the Energy Regulatory Commission (“CRE”) issued the Network Code (Criteria for efficiency, quality, reliability, continuity, security and sustainability of the National Electrical System), which establishes the minimum technical requirements that all members of the electrical industry must meet so the National Electrical System (“SEN”) can reach the technical condition in which it operates without violating operative limits and with sufficient reserve margins to support any kind of contingency.

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Latin Lawyer- Von Wobeser helps oil services provider win Pemex contracts
April, 2019

Mexican firm Von Wobeser y Sierra S.C. has helped Norwegian energy company Borr Drilling’s local subsidiary win two contracts from government-owned Pemex worth US$350 million.

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Lex Latin- Borr Drilling is awarded a services contract by Pemex
April, 2019
With advice from lawyers of the energy and M&A areas of Von Wobeser & Sierra, S.C., Borr Drilling México, S. de R.L. de C.V. participated in association with Opex Perforadora S.A. de C.V. in the tender called by Pemex Exploración y Producción as an "international restricted invitation". Borr Drilling explained that as part of the contract obtained, Borr will deliver a total of nine offshore development wells to Pemex under an integrated services model.  
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Lex Latin- Grupo Modelo invests USD 726 million in production plant in Mexico
April, 2019

Grupo Modelo, owned by the Belgian company Anheuser-Busch InBev, made an investment of USD 726 million in the new plant located in Apan, state of Hidalgo (Mexico). In the transaction, on March  4th, Von Wobeser y Sierra, S.C. advised Anheuser-Busch InBev on corporate, tax, competition and antitrust matters and administrative aspects, as well as on environmental regulatory compliance under Mexican law. The lawyers were also involved in labor and real estate matters of the new plant and it was the only firm that participated in the transaction, for which it gave advice since the announcement of the project in November 2017.

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The Ministry of Energy modifies the terms for the strict legal separation of the Federal Electricity Commission
April, 2019

On March 25 2019, the Federal Energy Ministry (“SENER”) published in the Federal Official Gazette the Agreement that modifies the terms for the strict legal separation of the Federal Electricity Commission ("Agreement"), which aims to modify diverse guidelines and terms for the operation of the Subsidiary Productive Companies and Affiliate Companies of the Federal Commission of Electricity ("CFE").

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Von Wobeser Antitrust practice, led by Fernando Carreño, recognized with the “Behavioral matter of the year – Americas” award by Global Competition Review (GCR)
April, 2019

We are pleased to announce that our antitrust practice, led by Fernando Carreño, received the award for “Behavioral matter of the year – Americas”, given by the prestigious publication Global Competition Review (GCR).

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