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First Resolution of Amendments to the Omnibus Tax Bill for 2019 and its Annexes 1 and 1-A
August, 2019

Today, August 20, the "First Resolution of Amendments to the Omnibus Tax Bill for 2019 and its Annexes 1 and 1-A" ("First Resolution") was published in the Official Federal Gazette, which will enter into force tomorrow, August 21.

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National Law Asset Forfeiture
August, 2019

On August 9, 2019, the new National Law of Asset Forfeiture ("NLAF") was published, replacing all previous laws in that subject-matter. The reform entered into force on August 12, 2019.

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Protocol for the Legitimation of Collective Bargaining Agreements
August, 2019

As you are aware, on May 1st of this year the Decree was published reforming the Federal Labor Law and other secondary laws in matters of labor justice, freedom of association and collective bargaining negotiations.

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General Transparency and Healthy Practices Provisions issued by the CONDUSEF applicable to the FTI
July, 2019

The National Commission for Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (the "CONDUSEF"), published today in the Official Federal Gazette (the "DOF"), the General Provisions of the CONDUSEF on Transparency and Healthy Practices applicable to Financial Technology Institutions (the "Provisions"), in accordance with the Law Regulating Financial Technology Institutions, published in the DOF on March 9, 2018.

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Reform of the Federal Labor and Social Security Laws in relation to domestic workers
July, 2019

As you may know, on December 5, 2018, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation declared that it was unconstitutional that employers are not obligated to register domestic workers with the Mexican Social

Security Institute (until then the Federal Labor Law and the Social Security Law established that registration was voluntary), and therefore it was ordered to create a Pilot Program in order to implement a special social security regime for those workers.

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Reform in relation to the granting of leave for parents whose children have been diagnosed with cancer
June, 2019

On June 4, 2019 a decree was published in the Official Federal Gazette by which several provisions were added to the Social Security Law, the Social Security and Services of State Workers Institute Law and the Federal Labor Law.

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Latin Lawyer- Catching El Peje: what lawyers expect from AMLO's presidency
May, 2019

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is popularly known as El Peje because of his Tabasco accent. The nickname comes from the pejelagarto, a gatorfish from his native Tabasco. Like its freshwater counterpart, it's hard to pinpoint what he is, so Latin Lawyer asked some of Mexico's best lawyers for help, including our partner Luis Burgueño.

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Approval of the Mexican Labor Reform
May, 2019

Following up on our prior news flash with respect to the labor reform bill approved by the Chamber of Deputies on April 16th of this year, allow us to inform you that the Senate of the Republic passed the version sent by said Chamber on April 29th and today the decree was published in the Official Federal Gazette amending various provisions of the Federal Labor Law, the Organizational Law of the Federal Judicial Branch, the Federal Law for the Public Defense, the National Workers Housing Fund Institute Law and the Social Security Law, in matters of labor justice, freedom of association and collective bargaining negotiations. 

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General Provisions Regulating the AML Self-Regularization Programs
April, 2019

As we anticipated in our note published on January 25, 2019, on April 16, 2019 the General Provisions Regulating the Self-Regularization Programs (the “Provisions”) were published in the Official Federal Gazette. The purpose of these Provisions is to establish the form, terms and procedures for those bound by them and that have engaged in vulnerable activities according to the Federal Law for the Prevention and Identification of Operations with Resources of Unlawful Origin.

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Ruling waiving the payment of debts, fiscal fines, surcharges and enforcement expenditures as well as the granting of administrative benefits
April, 2019

On April 15 the “General ruling waiving the debts, fiscal fines, surcharges and ordinary enforcement expenditures of contributions and the granting of the administrative benefits that are indicated” (“Ruling”) was published in the Official Gazette of Mexico City.

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