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Resolution amending the General Provisions applicable to Financial Technology Institutions
March, 2019

On March 25 of this year, the National Banking and Securities Commission (the “CNBV”) published in the Official Federal Gazette (the “DOF”) the Resolution amending the General Provisions applicable to Financial Technology Institutions (the “Resolution” and the “Financial Technology Institutions Circular” or “Circular”, respectively), pursuant to the Law Regulating Financial Technology Institutions published in the DOF on March 9, 2018. This Resolution establishes conditions for addressing the risks of and vulnerability to possible attacks on information technology programs and systems and increasing the security of the operations of Crowdfunding Institutions (the “IFC”) with their clients, establishing a legal framework on information security, use of electronic media, contracting services with third parties, disclosure of information and regulatory reports that must be rendered to the CNBV.

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Circulars issued by the Bank of Mexico in relation to Risk Mitigation; Operations with Virtual Assets; Innovative Models and Operations in Foreign Currency
March, 2019

The Bank of Mexico [Banco de México (“Banxico”)], on March 7 and 8, 2019, published in the Official Federal Gazette (the “DOF”) the circulars 3/2019; 4/2019; 5/2019 and 6/2019 in relation to risk mitigation, operations with virtual assets, innovative models and operations in foreign currency.

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Latin Lawyer- Fernando Carreño- Antitrust regulator fines credit data company for refusal to deal in Mexico
March, 2019

Mexico’s competition authority has fined Dun & Bradstreet 27.4 million pesos (US$1.5 million) for refusal to grant a competitor access to its database, but dropped allegations against another credit bureau due to lack of evidence.

Our Partner Fernando Carreño shared his opinion about these board of commissioners decisions in spite of the position of the investigative arm of the competition authority.

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Global Competition Review- Fernando Carreño- Credit data company fined for refusal to deal in Mexico
March, 2019

Our Partner, Fernando Carreño gave his opinion in regards to a COFECE's board decision to impose a fine to one credit data company while dropping allegations against another credit bureau due to lack of evidence, in spite of the decisions reached by the investigative arm of the authority in economic competition.

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Chambers and Partners Global Rankings 2019- Von Wobeser y Sierra
February, 2019

We are honored to inform that once again we have been recognized by Chambers & Partners Global as a leading international firm in 2019. Von Wobeser y Sierra, S.C., has been listed with top rankings on various fronts including Mexico, Latin American-wide, and as experts abroad for Germany and the United States.

The firm has achieved high rankings in numerous leading practices. Furthermore, our team of lawyers have been recognized by Chambers & Partners Global in top spots in the following areas: arbitration, corporate, M&A, compliance, litigation, international trade and most in demand arbitrators.

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New mechanisms to establish maximum sale prices to the public of patented medicines
February, 2019

On February 19, the majority parliament group of the Senate, represented by the Morena party, introduced a bill amending article 31 of the General Health Law, whose sole purpose is to modify the current scheme for setting maximum sale prices of patented medicines and supplies.

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Latin Lawyer-Von Wobeser & Sierra recognized as Leading Light 2018 in regards to pro bono
February, 2019

We are pleased to announce that Von Wobeser y Sierra has been, once again and for seventh year in a row, recognized by Latin Lawyer and the Vance Center as a Leading Light law firm in regards to pro bono.

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AML Criteria and Procedures applicable to Money Transmitters
February, 2019

On January 28, 2019 the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (“SHCP”), with a prior opinion issued by the National Banking and Securities Commission (“CNBV”), published on the web page of the National Regulatory Improvement Commission (“CONAMER”), a draft bill to amend the general provisions that establish the criteria and procedures in relation to prevention of money laundering and financing terrorism applicable to Money Transmitters.

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Bill Reforming the Federal Labor Law
January, 2019

On December 22, 2018 a bill reforming the Federal Labor Law (LFT) was presented in the Chamber of Deputies by the Parliamentary Group of Morena, which is currently under analysis for the clearance of the Labor Commission of that Chamber.

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Global Competition Review (GCR 100) once again recognizes Von Wobeser as an Elite Firm
January, 2019

Once again, Von Wobeser y Sierra´s Competition & Antitrust Practice has been recognized as an Elite Firm in Competition & Antitrust. GCR 100, the prestigious editorial has identified Von Wobeser y Sierra as Elite, (highest honor that can be achieved in the ranking) within the group of top firms around the world in regards to competition and antitrust.

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