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CENAGAS issues the preliminary bidding guidelines for strategic storage of natural gas in Veracruz
August, 2018

On August 27, 2018, the National Center of Natural Gas Control published the preliminary bidding guidelines for the Public International Bid CENAGAS-ALM-001-2018, which purpose is to award a Natural Gas Delivery, Storage and Receipt Service Contract in the “Jaf Field” located in Cotaxtla, Veracruz.

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Latin Lawyer- Fernando Carreño- Pemex fined US$22 million for tardy audit report
August, 2018

Our Partner Fernando Carreño gave his opinion and explained the conditions about the fine Pemex is facing regarding competition before COFECE. 

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Professor Andrea K. Bjorkland interviews Claus von Wobeser
August, 2018

On June 21, 2018 our Founding Partner Claus von Wobeser was interviewed by Professor Andrea K. Bjorkland as part of the regular series of interviews by the Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA) with prominent senior practitioners in arbitration. This happened at the 30th Annual ITA Workshop and Meeting in Dallas.

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Secondary rules to the Law Regulating Financial Technology Institutions in relation to money laundering and in general
August, 2018

On August 6 and August 7 two draft secondary rules to the Law Regulating the Financial Technology Institutions (the “Fintech Law”) were published on the webpage of the Federal Regulatory Improvement Commission (COFEMER); both presented by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP).

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Lex Latin- Luis Burgueño & Marisol Márquez- Monex acquires majority stake in Arrendadora Avance in Mexico
July, 2018

Von Wobeser y Sierra, S.C. advised the selling shareholders of Arrendadora Avance, S.A. de C.V. in the sale of a majority stake of the company to Monex S.A.B. de C.V.

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Latin Lawyer- Fernando Carreño- Mexican antitrust commissioners felt guidelines were redundant
July, 2018

Due to the recent publication of the meeting minutes of the Mexican Federal Economic Competition Commission (COFECE) reunion held on June 7, in which the present commissioners voted against adopting the guidelines presented by the investigative arm of such Commission, our Partner Fernando Carreño and other elite lawyers in competition expressed their opinion about this decision.

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LACCA- Claus von Wobeser- Lawyers call on AMLO to outline anti-corruption strategy
July, 2018

In this piece, elite Mexican lawyers, including our Partner Claus von Wobeser, say the victory of leftist candidate Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) is a testament to the country’s frustration with the levels of corruption; they argue the new president must now outline concrete plans to tackle the issue in order to boost the country’s business and investment climate.

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The first general provisions of the Fintech Law will be published in September
July, 2018

By press release published on July 4, 2018, the National Banking and Securities Commission (“CNBV” for its acronym in Spanish) indicated that the first general provisions relative to the Law regulating Financial Technology Institutions (“Law” or “FinTech Law”) will be published in September, thereby complying with the first period established in the transitory articles of the mentioned Law.

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"Eradicating corruption and impunity will be the principal mission of the new government”: Andrés Manuel López Obrador
July, 2018

This 1st of July, Mexico lived its largest election in history. Andrés Manuel López Obrador (“AMLO”) won the presidential run in a landslide with a majority greater than 50% of the electorate. A substantial part of AMLO’s presidential campaign rested on criticizing head-on the overwhelming corruption that heavily weighs on our country.

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Latin Lawyer- Luis Burgueño- López Obrador’s landslide victory leaves Mexican lawyers unfazed
July, 2018

López Obrador was elected Mexican president on July 1st with 53% of the vote and will assume office in December. He was branded a populist left-winger by his opponents, but senior partners in Mexico’s legal community expect his presidency will bring modest change and even fresh opportunity. Our Partner Luis Burgueño shared his views in this matter.

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