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Von Wobeser y Sierra, S.C. awarded with “Leading Lights 2019” Accolade
February, 2020

We are proud to announce that Von Wobeser y Sierra, S.C. has been awarded the distinction, “Pro Bono Leading Lights 2019” by Latin Lawyer and The Vance Center, for an eighth consecutive year.

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Amendment proposed to the terms for requesting a change to permits for generation of electricity
February, 2020

On February 13, 2020, the National Regulatory Improvement Commission (“CONAMER”) published on its webpage the draft sent by the Energy Regulatory Commission (“CRE”) of the “Ruling amending the general administrative provisions establishing the terms for requesting the authorization to change or transfer permits for generation or supply of electricity, contained in resolution number RES/390/2017” (the “Ruling”).

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The Ministry of Energy updates the Transition Strategy to promote the use of cleaner technologies and fuels
February, 2020

On February 7, 2020, the Ministry of Energy (“SENER”) published in the Official Federal Gazette the “Ruling by which the Energy Ministry approves and publishes the updating of the Transition Strategy to promote the use of cleaner technologies and fuels, in terms of the Energy Transition Law.” (“Updated Strategy”) in order to regulate the sustainable use of energy, and the obligations regarding clean energy and reduction of the Electricity Industry’s polluting emissions. Some of the most relevant aspects of the Updated Strategy include the following:

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Senate of the United States of America approves TMEC
February, 2020

Today the U.S. Senate approved implementing legislation for the TMEC. With this approval the President of that country is expected to sign the TMEC into law in the next few days.

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Diego Sierra - GRR - Restructuring of the Americas 2020 - Mexico
January, 2020

Our Partner, Diego Sierra gives his insight in the Americas Restructuring Review, offering a broad view on the regulation of commercial insolvency proceedings in Mexico.

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Adrián Magallanes & Diego Sierra - Latin Lawyer Reference Litigation 2020 - Mexico
December, 2019
Our expert Partners in Dispute Resolution, Adrián Magallanes and Diego Sierra give their insight in Latin Lawyer Reference Litigation in regards to litigation in Mexico.
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New minimum wage as of January 1, 2020
December, 2019

Dear clients and friends,  The resolution of the Board of Representatives of the National Minimum Wage Commission (CONASAMI) establishing the general and professional minimum wage that will go into effect as of January 1, 2020, was published today in the Official Federal Gazette (DOF).

The new general minimum wage will be $123.22 pesos, which was obtained by increasing the current general minimum wage ($102.68 pesos) by the so-called Independent Recovery Amount (MIR for its initials in Spanish) that the CONASAMI determined would be $14.67 pesos daily, plus an increase equivalent to 5%. (Current minimum wage ($102.68 pesos) + MIR ($14.67 pesos) + 5% = $123.22 pesos).

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